
Hello Everyone!

Thank you for joining me in this new journey! A few years ago I was obsessing about the fact that more than half my life was over. (Hitting that half-century mark can be brutal.) One day I was driving and told myself I should write a book about reincarnation and live vicariously through that. When suddenly, a voice in said “You can do it!”

After arguing with myself (don’t we all do that at one time or another, be honest) the little voice inside kept repeating, “Do it!”

And so it began. I knew nothing about the subject, so I googled a book on my Nook and found Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton. WOW!! I had the premise for my first book, Opening the Door. I read everything I could get my hands on. I am finishing my second book Pillars of Ash. And I have a few short stories that I am working on and will share on my blog.

I would love to hear your ideas on the concept that we have walked on this earth before, that sometimes these memories and experiences shape who are today, and they can be an empowering guide to our future.

Thank you again,